Zaniah's Labrador retriever - Labrador retriever & Curly coated retriever


Hall of fame is a presentation of dogs from our kennel. Here you can find dogs we own or bred.
Puppies born until 2016 were registered under prefix You’re The Inspiration and since 2017 all the litters are registered under prefix Zaniah’s.

Zaniah’s Heart of Gold

(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
Owner: Anka Mozolani

Club Junior Winner (KCHLS)
2x very promising 1st
very promising 2nd

Zaniah’s Her Majesty

(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
Owner: Alida Štulajterová

Excellent 2 (out of 16)
Excellent 4 (out of 15)
2x very promising 3

GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration

(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
HNPK: clear
Owner: Katarína Smékalová, kennel Zaniah's

2x BIS puppy
Slovak Junior Champion
Slovak Champion
Qualification for C.I.E. & C.I.B.
International Working Certificate - JSR

GOLDFINGER You’re The Inspiration

(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
HNPK: clear
Owner: Katarína Smékalová & Janette Vargová

Slovak Champion

Qualification for:
Hungarian Champion

FSMP - I merit

GALILEO GALILEI You’re The Inspiration

(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Jana Hesková

FS - I merit

Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day

(Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
HNPK: clear
Owner: Katarína Smékalová, kennnel Zaniah's

BIS puppy
Slovak Junior Champion
Slovak Champion
Qualification for Czech Champion
International Working Certificate - JSR I merit OVVR

FAIRYTALE You’re The Inspiration

(Upwards Joyful Jalle x Claim To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
Owner: Liesbeth Kodde (Creekwater kennel, NL)

Luxembourg Champion
Dutch Champion
Selectif A & B
Qualification for C.I.B. & C.I.E.
International Working Certificate

FALLING IN LOVE You’re The Inspiration

(Upwards Joyful Jalle x Claim To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: carrier
HNPK: clear
Owner: Timea Teichtman (Welloway kennel HU)

Manytimes CAC at Club shows HU
Specialty Show Winner HU 2015, BOB, BIS

FACE TO FACE You’re The Inspiration

(Upwards Joyful Jalle x Claim To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
HNPK: clear
Owner: Peter Príslupský

2x res. CAC
International Working Certificate - NFTR-res. CACT, JSR
WT L trieda 3x 1st place, 3rd place, 5th place M class - 1st place
IWT Belgium 2016 representant SK

FEMME FATALE You’re The Inspiration

(Upwards Joyful Jalle x Claim To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
HNPK: carrier
Owner: Lucia Valentovičová

BIS, BOB, Regional Winner
International Working Certificate- JSR, OVVR
IPO-RH-T, IPO-RH-FL E 1st place, SVZM-P, IPO-RH-T E 1st place

FARAWAY TEAL You’re The Inspiration

(Upwards Joyful Jalle x Claim To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
HNPK: carrier
Owner: Timea Teichtman

Qualification for Hungarian Champion

EXCLUSIVE EDITION You’re The Inspiration

(AmCh Tabatha’s Burly x JCh., Ch. Strongline´s EYE CANDY)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
Owner: Zuzana Chudá

Qualification for:
Slovak Champion
Hungarian Champion

International Working Certificate - JSR

EXTRAVAGANZZA You’re The Inspiration

(AmCh Tabatha’s Burly x JCh., Ch. Strongline´s EYE CANDY)
HD: 2/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: Michal Červinka

Slovak Champion
Polish Champion
International Working Certificate - SZVP

EL DIABLO You’re The Inspiration

(AmCh Tabatha’s Burly x JCh., Ch. Strongline´s EYE CANDY)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear

LCD Specialty Show of Labrados (Germany) 2nd Best Dog
Qualification for VDH Champion

EXTRA CLASS You’re The Inspiration

(AmCh Tabatha’s Burly x JCh., Ch. Strongline´s EYE CANDY)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
Owner: P. Rupinski, Poland

CWC - Qualification for Polish Champion

EUPHORIA You’re The Inspiration

(AmCh Tabatha’s Burly x JCh., Ch. Strongline´s EYE CANDY)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
EIC: clear
Owner: Petra Podušelová Žárska

CAJC, BOB junior

DOUBLE BUBBLE You’re The Inspiration

(WW Ich Caballus Yackety Yak x WW Ich Bubble Gum You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: Ivana Horná

Slovak Junior Champion
Croatian Junior Champion
Slovak Champion
Croatian Champion
Austrian Champion
Hungarian Champion
Polish Champion
Interchampion - C.I.E.
Derby winner Slovakia 2011
Derby winner Hungary 2011
Cub Winner ORC 2014, BOB
Specialty Show Winner ORC 2014
Qualification for:
Czech Champion

DANCING MASTER You’re The Inspiration

(WW Ich Caballus Yackety Yak x WW Ich Bubble Gum You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Co-owner: Veronika Pecharová

Slovak Junior Champion
Slovak Champion
Croatian Champion
Interchampion - C.I.E.
Grand Prix junior winner SK 2011
Derby winner Slovakia 2011
Derby winner Hungary 2011
Club Winner RKCZ 2011, BOB
Specialty Show Winner 2012 (RKCZ)
Winner of Konopište 2012 (RKCZ)
Specialty Show Winner SRK 2013
Club Winner RKCZ 2014
Club Winner RKCZ 2015, BOB
Winner of Horky 2015
Qualification for:
Hungarian Champion
Czech Champion

DANCING QUEEN You’re The Inspiration

(WW Ich Caballus Yackety Yak x WW Ich Bubble Gum You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: Michal Červinka

Slovak Champion
Slovak Grand Champion
Interchampion - C.I.E.
National Winner 2013
Winner of Konopiště RKCZ 2013
Winner of Konopiště RKCZ 2014, BOB
Club Winner RKCZ 2014, BOB
Specialty Show Winner SRK 2014
Club Winner SRK 2015
Club Winner SRK 2016
Specialty Show Winner RKCZ 2016, BOS
Winner of Konopiště RKCZ 2016
Club Winner RKCZ 2016

DOUBLE TROUBLE You’re The Inspiration

(WW Ich Caballus Yackety Yak x WW Ich Bubble Gum You’re The Inspiration)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: Mr.Kubala

Slovak Junior Champion
Slovak Champion
Specialty Show Winner SRK 2013, BOB

CARAMEL CREAM You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Devonshires Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Optigen A
EIC: clear
CNM: clear

Slovak Junior Champion
Slovak Champion
Champion VDH
Croatian Champion
Cyprus Champion
Moldavian Champion
Moldavian Grand Champion
Monte Negro Champion
Balkan Champion
Azerbaijanu Champion
Macedonian Champion
Qualification for Czech, Hungarian and Austrian Champion
Landessieger Bayern 2011
Slovak Junior Winner 2009
3x CAJC, 25x CAC, 6x VDH-CH, 5x res. CAC
2x CACIB, 5x res. CACIB, 4x BOB
OVVR - I merit

CANDY’S EYES You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Devonshires Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Optigen A
EIC: clear
CNM: clear
Co-owner: Lucia Valentovičová (kennel Like No Other)

Slovak Champion
Qualification for Czech Champion
Qualification for Working Champion
BOB, BIS pupy - Club show SRK
Slovak Junior Winner 2009
Best Working dog in show
Best Workingretriever - Club show Oslavany 2014
2x Regional Winner
International Working Certificate - JSR, SZVP, OVVR
CACT Tesany Cup winner (special water works)
Canistherapeutic test
IPO-RH TE very good, SOP 99p., BH-SK passed, IPO-RH TA excellent,
IPO-RH TB good, BH/VT passed, IPO-RH FLA very good, 2x IPO-RH FLB good
Vrútocký záchranársky pretek podľa IPO-RH FLA very good - 2nd place
IPO-RH FLB - 3rd place at Hungarian Championship
II. Vice Champion HU v plošnom vyhľadávaní

CELEBRITY GIRL You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Devonshires Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Optigen A
EIC: clear
CNM: clear
Owner: Igor Brezniansky

Excellent 2, res CAC at Club show SRK

CRAZY IN LOVE You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Devonshires Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
HD: 0/0 (MVDr Faga)
ED: 0/0 (MVDr Faga)
Optigen A
EIC: clear
CNM: clear
Owner: Marita Druschel (kennel Stork of Highlands)

Formwert - breeding license DE

CLAIM TO FAME You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Devonshires Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
HD: 0/0 (MVDr Faga)
ED: 0/0 (MVDr Faga)
Optigen A
EIC: clear
CNM: clear
Owner: Tatiana Kukučková

Qualification for Hungarian Champion
International Working Certificate - JSR

Working tests:
WT E class - 1st & 3rd place,
WT L class - 2nd, 3rd place

COOL BOY You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Devonshires Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Optigen A
EIC: clear
Owner: Katarína Smékalová (kennel Zaniah’s)

BIS puppy II, CAC
Qualification for Slovak Champion
International Working Certificate - NFTR, JSMP, OVVR

CARNIVAL LADY You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Devonshires Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: Adriana Melišková

Qualification for Slovak Junior Champion

BUBBLE GUM You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Caballus URQUELL x Ich ORINA z Ledenických zahrad)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: František Juhás (SK)

World Winner 2009
European Winner 2008
European junior Winner 2007
Slovak Champion
Hungarian Champion
Slovak Junior Champion
Croatian Junior Champion
Grand Prix Slovakia winner 2009
Lifelong Crufts qualification
International Working Certificate - JSMP

BABY BOOM You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Caballus URQUELL x Ich ORINA z Ledenických zahrad)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: kennel You’re The Inspiration

Slovak Champion
Monte Negro Champion
Monte Junior Negro Champion
Slovak Junior Champion
Life long Crufts Qualification
Specialty Show of Retrievers (SK) 2009 - BOB
Specialty Show of Retrievers (SK) 2007 - BOB
Specialty show Winner SK 2009, 2007
Slovak National Winner 2009

BEYONCE You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Caballus URQUELL x Ich ORINA z Ledenických zahrad)
Owner: Ivana Horná (SR)


ARTEMIS You’re The Inspiration

(Ch Chataway Bohemia Bras x Cessy z Klajboviska)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: kennel You’re The Inspiration

Life long Crufts Qualification
International working certificate - JSMP, NFTR

ORINA z Ledenických zahrad

HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: Kennel You’re The Inspiration

European Winner 2005
Vice European Winner 2003
Central and East European Winner 2004
Slovak Grand Champion
Slovak Champion
Czech Champion
Romanian Champion
Macedonian Champion
Monte Negro Champion
Slovak Junior Champion
Winner of Slovakia 2002, 2003, 2004
National Winner (CZ) 2004
Specialty show of Retrievers (SK) 2005 - BOS
Specialty show of Retrievers (SK) 2004 - BOS
Club Winner (HR) 2006
Club Winner (CZ) 2005
Specialty Show Winner (SK) 2005, 2004, 2007
Club Show of Retrievers (CZ) - BOB Veteran
Life long Crufts Qualification

CESSY z Klajboviska

(MIGHT BE A SHOW DOG of Tintagel Winds x BONNY z Táboriska)
HD: 0/0
ED: 0/0
Owner: kennel You’re The Inspiration

res CAC
International working certificate - FSMP, JSMP

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