Zaniah's Labrador retriever - Labrador retriever & Curly coated retriever


Club show KCHLS Kroměríž 6.7.2024

Jubilee club show KCHLS 1924-2024
Labrador judge: Sandrine Welele FRA (of Sweet Eyes labradors)

My beloved Stella
Ch Zaniah´s J´ADORE "Stella" - Exc.1st, CAC, Club Winner - Jubilee winner 2024
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB, CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)

Zaniah´s OH LA LAA "Polly" - very promising 3rd
(MultiCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD x Zaniah´s KISSING KIM)
Co-owner: Michal Červinka

Zaniah´s ONE LOVE "Doris" - promising
(MultiCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD x Zaniah´s KISSING KIM)
Owner: Martina Kopecká

MultiCh, WorkCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD "Bady" - Exc. 1st in honour class
(CIB CIE Leonardo of Angels Head x CIB CIE GIVE ME FIVE You´re The Inspiration)
Owner: Andrea Meskařová

Spolu | Zaniah´s J´ADORE | Zaniah´s J´ADORE

Zaniah´s OH LA LAA | Zaniah´s ONE LOVE | MultiCh, WorkCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD

28.-29.6.2024 2x CACIB Pápa (HU)

Ch Zaniah’s J’ADORE
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB CIE Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
28.6.2024 - výborná 1, CAC - judge: Szabo Sándor
29.6.2024 - výborná 1, CAC, res. CACIB - judge: Gyorgy Tesics


TOP RETRIEVER 2023 KCHLS - MOUNTFIELD CUP C.I.B. MultiCh, GrandCh, WorkChCZ, ClubCh, ClubWorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD "U"
TOP labrador - WORKING DOG 2023 KCHLS - 1st place
TOP labrador - DUAL PURPOSE 2023 KCHLS - 2nd place
TOP labrador - SHOW DOG 2023 KCHLS - 4th place
Owner: Andrea Meskářová (CZ)

Club show RKCZ Zámek Náměšť na Hané (CZ) 15.6.2024

Judge for LR: Giuseppe Masia (IT)
Zaniah´s J´ADORE "Stella" - Exc.2nd, res.CAC /9
(CIE Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)

Zaniah´s ONE LOVE "Doris" - very promising 4th/6
(CIB Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD x Zaniah´s KISSING KIM)

Zaniah´s J´ADORE - 4 years | Zaniah´s ONE LOVE - 6m | Zaniah´s OH LA LAA - 6m

Martina with Doris, Me and Stella, my son Marko and Michal with Polly and Joe

8.-9.6.2024 Eastbohemian Derby KCHLS Chlumec nad Cidlinou (CZ)

C.I.B. MultiCh, GrandCh, WorkChCZ, ClubCh, ClubWorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD "U"
8.6.2024 KPZ - 1st prize, 227pt.
9.6.2024 KZVP - 1st prize, 167pt.
9th place among all 24 dogs

18.5.2024 Austrian Club winner show Halbturn

Judge: Ewa Kotowska (Bloomwood kennel)
Zaniah´s J´ADORE - Excellent 1st, CACA
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB CIE GIVE ME FIVE You´re The Inspiration)

Zaniah´s OH SO SWEET - Very promising 1st, BOB puppy
(MultiCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD x Zaniah´s KISSING KIM)

A lovely show, fabulous place and great friends. We enjoyed the day so much! Stella got qualification for Champion of Austria and little Emery won her puppy class in a strong competition and got also BOB puppy at her second club show.

Zaniah´s J´ADORE | Zaniah´s OH SO SWEET | The girls together

12.5.2024 2x CACIB Lučenec

Zaniah´s NOBLESSE OBLIGE - CAJC, CACIB-J, Best junior, BOS
(WW 24 Rocco vom Schwarenberg x Jch,Ch Amasha Zaniah Caniwergis)

Zaniah´s J´ADORE - CAC and became SLOVAK CHAMPION
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB,CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)

Zaniah´s OH SO SWEET - 2x very promising 1st
(MultiCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD x Zaniah´s KISSING KIM)

Thank you for the lovely day, my friends.

Zaniah´s NOBLESSE OBLIGE | Zaniah´s OH SO SWEET | Zaniah´s J´ADORE

Club show SRK Veľké Úľany 5.5.2024

Judge: Aleksandra Dajčar (SLO)

Zaniah´s OH SO SWEET - very promising 1st, BOB baby
(Zaniah´s In The Mood x Zaniah´s Kissing Kim)
owner: Tatiana Pavlisová

Zaniah´s J´ADORE - Excellent 2nd, res CAC /6
(Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration

Zaniah´s Kissing Kate - Excellent
(Alaric Eden loci x April Old Nouvelle Route)
owner: Ivana Horná

A son of Potter at his very first show:
Dark Old Nouvelle Route - Excellent 1st, CAC in open class
(Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day x Euphoria You´re The Inspiration)
owner: Darina Štípalová

Thank you for the lovely and day and congratulations on your results!

Zaniah´s OH SO SWEET | Zaniah´s J´ADORE | Zaniah´s Kissing Kate | Dark Old Nouvelle Route

New results of X-rays of our "L" puppies

Zaniah´s LIBERTY "Leo"
(Bloomwood Royal Major Globtrotter x Zaniah´s J´ADORE)
HD A, ED 0/0
EIC - clear
Complete dentition
We are happy for Leo's results!

Also his siblings have nice results:
Zaniah´s LOU LOU - HD A, ED 0/0
Zaniah´s LUIGI - HD A, ED 0/0
Zaniah´s LADY MARMALADE - HD A, ED 0/0

Thank you to teh owners for their great exemplary care. I appreciate that all owners are in contact with me.

18.2.2024 CACIB Nitra

Dachshound judge: Roxana Opris (DK)
Zaniah’s NOBLESSE OBLIGE - Excellent 1st, CAJC, CACIB-J, Best Junior
(Ch Rocco vom Schwarenberg x Ch Amasha Zaniah Caniwergis)
Critique: “Excellent type, correct size and proportion, beautiful feminine head, long, clean, correct scissors bite, enough sternum for the age, compact body, moves happy, proud to be Dachshund, energetic and paralel, correct construction, a happy girl”
Thank you to the breed specialist judge for her lovely words. Lady is our big hope and she fired up her show career very well!

Obedience SKO Pezinok OB1 28.1.2024

Zaniah´s I´M PRINCESS "Denny" - 1st place out of 16 competitors!
(CIB CIE Leonardo od Angels Head x CIB CIE Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Huge congratulations to Denny and her owner Veronika Chrenkova. I was speechless when I saw the results!
Denny won the competition among Corder Collies and other shephers. She is extremely intelligent and hard working dog and I am truly happy her owner develops her potential. The litter she comes from (Doris & Leonardo), turns our very well. Her brother Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD is TOP LR in Czech Republic.
I am so proud of you two!


6th December 9 lovely babies babies were born by Zaniah´s Kissing Kim a MultiCh, WorkCh Zaniah´s In The Mood. We have only last two boys available from this litter!
In case of interest, please contact us: 0917 436 816 or


Judge: Sean Delmar (IRL)
Zaniah’s J’adore - Excellent 1, Regional Winner
Judge: Satu Yla Mononen (FIN)
Zaniah’s Noblesse Oblige - very promising 1

We enetered this show as a training for our little Dachshound girl Lady. Both our girls got lovely critiques and we enjoyed the day with our friends!


Cool Boy You're The Inspiration
(Devonshires French Harmonz x Strongline´s Eye Candy)
All the best for your birthday, Kubko!

Our beloved Kubko celebrated his 15th birthday in full health. My only wish is to keep his great health and anjoy each day that comes.
My vet says Kubko is a miracle and he indeed is! Our children love him - both grew up with him and he was at home welcoming them when they were born. 15 years by my side, that is a huge part of journey and I am very grateful for each day together. Life is so much easier with a good friend!

7.-8.10.2023 - KVZPR RK CZ OSTRAVA SVINOV Presidents cup

MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
1st prize, CACT, CCT
2nd place among all

Congratulations, Andrejka Meskařová!

30.9.2023 CLUB SHOW TÁTA (HU)

judge: Marion Hopkinson (UK - Rocheby)
Zaniah´s J´ADORE - Excellent 2, res CAC
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Lovely show, which we entered to get a critique from a legend among labrador breeders - Marion Hopkinson. Stella got very nice critique, which I appreciate very much and lovely 2nd place in a strong competition.
Judgement: “Compact, neat female, lovely coat, excellent rear end with well filled second thigh, good strong topline and tail set, sweetest of heads, with lovely pigment, Easy sound mover, with good drive on The side view”


MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
TOP Dual Purpose 2022 (shows and hunting tests)

Congratulations and thank you from the bottom of my heart, Andrejka!
I am very proud that Bady did it again! It is such a great success for a small kennel that we are. I am very greatful for each success. There is a lot of work behind each. Easecially in case of working tests and Bady was the leader in 2022! I am trully happy!


Judges: Rita Kökeny (Hu), Miklós Janecsko (HU)
Zaniah's Kairo - 1st place in class E among 13 dogs
(Ch Alaric Eden Loci x April Old Nouvelle Route)

I am really thriled from his young boy!
His owner was looking for a family dog only, but Kairo became not only successful show dog (qualification for SK, PL and International Champion title) but also working dog. Their motivation to keep working is great and I believe they ahve so much in front of them! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Owner: Peter Čižmár

3.9.2023 - Hunting test KPZ RKCZ Vysoká n/L

MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
1st prize, CACT
2nd place out of 18 dogs

Congratulations, Andrea Meskarova!

19.8.2023 - CACIB Mladá Boleslav

Judge: Josef Nosek
MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD - CAC, res CACIB
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Congratulations, Andrea Meskarova!

17.8.2023 CACIB Bratislava

Judge: K. Vaníčková
Zaniah´s J´ADORE - Excellent 2nd, res CAC
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)


MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
successfully passed the test and became CANISTERAPHY DOG!


MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
Clubs autumn hunting tests - 1st prize, r.CACT
Clubs water hunting tests - 1st prize, CACT, WINNER OF THE EXAMS
2nd place in total scoring

(CIB, CIE, MultiCh Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Congratulations, Andrea!


MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
1st prize, CACT, CCT, Winner of teh exams - 1st place
((CIB, CIE, MultiCh Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Congratulations, Andrea! I am over the moon!


MultiCh., GrandCh., KlubCh., WorkCh Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
(CIB, CIE, MultiCh Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB, CIE, MultiCh Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1, CAC - Bady became Hungarian Champion!
Congratulations, Andrea! I am over the moon!

30.6.-2.7.2023 CACIB VEĽKÁ IDA

Zaniah’s KAIRO - 2x CAC, res.CAC, CACIB, BOS
(Alaric Eden Loci x April Old Nouvelle Route)
Congratulations and thank you for the lovely presentation of Kairo!
Kairo became a candidate for Interchampion!


Zaniah’s KAIRO - CWC, res CACIB
(Alaric Eden Loci x April Old Nouvelle Route)
Congratulations to his owner Petr Cizmar! Kairo met all condition to be registered as a stud male. He passed OVVR in 1st prize and has HD A/B a ED 0/0!


Judge: Karel Frank
MultiCh, WorkCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD - 1st place & DERBY WINNER !!!
(CIB,CIE Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB, CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Owner: Andrea Meskařová
I am over the moon, Bady proves with each test how outstanding dog he is! Congratulations Andrejka!

9.6.2023 CACIB NITRA

Judge: Jeff Horswell UK
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB CIE Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
I am very happy from Stellka - it was our first show among the adult LR and we look forward for more shows to come!


Judge: Karel Frank
MultiCh, WorkCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD - CAC, CACIB, BOS
(CIB,CIE Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB,CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Cngratulations to the owner Andrejka Meskařová!


Cathegory OB 1
Zaniah´s I´M PRINCESS - "Deny" - 1st place!!!
(CIB,CIE Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB,CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)

Congratulation to Denny and her owner Veronika Chrenkova! Denny is a great working dog - lest year she was placed 7th at Slovak Obedience Championship. I am trully happy and very proud of our extraordinary "I" litter!


MultiCh, WorkCh Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD
(CIB, CIE Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB, CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
DUAL PURPOSE (shows and hutning tests) - 2nd place (all Retriever breeeds)
HUNTING PERFORMANCE - 2nd place (all Retriever breeeds)
Thank you Andrea Meskarova for another lovely years. You and Bady are a great team!

5.11.2022 CACIB Poznan (PL)

Judge: Fabrizio La Rocca
Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD - Exc. 1, CWC
(CIB,CIE Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB,CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Congratulations to his owner Andrejka Meskařová!

15.-16.10.2022 Weekend of club show Retriever klub CZ

Judges: Saskia Rathenau (NL) and Linda Harvey Major (UK)

Jch Zaniah´s JULIET
(CIB Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x CIB,CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
15.10. Exc. 1, Class Winner, Regional Club Winner, CC
16.10. Exc. 4 (out of 16 bitches in open class)

Also one of Potter's daughters was shown
Ch Coffie Benison "U"
(MultiCh Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day x Anabell Benison)
15.10. Exc. in champion class
16.10. Exc. 1, CAC, CC in champion class

Congratulations to the owner Petra Bednářová!

8.-9.10.2022 KVZPR Ostrava

Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD
(CIB,CIE Leonardo of Angel´s Head x CIB,CIE Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Huge congratulations, Andrejka! You are such a great team together with Bady! Thank you for everything!


Our longtime awaited litter by our Stella sired by an abroad stud male.
More info at puppies site.

CACIB Litoměřice

Zaniah’s J’ADORE - Exc. 4 /10
Thank you Jana Bučilová for superb handling!

Congratulations on lovely results also to our breedings:
Zaniah’s In The Mood - res CAC
Zaniah’s Juliet - Exc.

7.5.2022 IDS Oberwart (A)

Jch, Ch Zaniah's I love you - CACA, Res.CACIB
(Ich, MultiCh Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich,MultiCh Give Me Five You're The Inspiration)
Congrats to Timea Kissová and thank you!

Zaniah’s I love you

7.5.2022 IDS CACIB Kliczków (PL)

CHCZ, GrCH CZ, CH SK Zaniah's IN THE MOOD - Exc. 1, CWC, BIS working III
(Ich., MultiCh. Leonardo of Angels Head × Ich. Multich. Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Congrats to his owner Andrejka Meskařová!

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD

1.5.2022 IDS Babimost (PL)

CHCZ, GrCH CZ, CH SK Zaniah's IN THE MOOD - Exc. 1, CWC
(Ich., MultiCh. Leonardo of Angels Head × Ich. Multich. Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Congrats to his owner Andrejka Meskařová!

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD


Ch CZ, SK, Club Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD - 1st place

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD

3.4.2022 Pomocné tlapky

Jch Zaniah’s JULIET successfuly passed test for canis teraphy.
Congratulations to her owner Petra Bednářová!

TOP RETRIEVER 2021 - Retriever club CZ

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD
- 1at place among all Retriever breeds

Zaniah’s JULIET
- 2nd place

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD
- 3rd place

Huge thanks to owners Andrea Meskařová and Petra Bednářová! It is a huge success for such a small kennel we are. They are both children of our Doris and they are our 3rd generation. I am very lucky to have such wonderful people beside me.

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD & Zaniah’s JULIET

30.10.2021 CAC Salgótarjan, HU

Judge: Frič Peter
Zaniah's I LOVE YOU - Excellent 1, CAC, BOB
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You're The Inspiration)
Thank you and congratulations Timea Kissova!

30-31.10.2021 KVZPR - President's Cup RKCZ Hrádek u Rokycan

Ch CZ, SK, Grand Ch Zaniah’s In The Mood - 1st prize, 5th place
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Bady's season 2021 was crowned by passing Clubs all round hunting tests. He is now classified as versatile hinting dog "U".
Thank you Andrea meskarova for your love, attention and care you give to Bady! I am so proud of you both. Congratulations!

Ch CZ, SK, Grand Ch Zaniah’s In The Mood

22.-24.10.2021 3x CACIB Komárom

(Ich, MultiCh Leonardo of Angels Head × Ich, Multich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
22.10.- Excellent 1, CAC
23.10.- Excellent 1, CAC
24.10.- Excellent 1, CAC

Gratulujem majitelke Andrejke Meskařovej a ďakujem za krásny víkend!

9.10.2021 Specialty show for Retrievers Veľké Úlany

Judge: Alenka Pokorn (SLO)
Zaniah’s Kissing Kim - very promising 4 /7
(Alaric Eden loci x April Old Nouvelle Route)

Zaniah’s J’adore - Excellent 4 /8 in intermediate class
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Jch, MultiCh, C.I.B.,C.I.E. Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration - res CAC/4 in champion class
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)

Thank you Lenka Priesolová and Ivana Horná for the lovely day and congratulations on the results!

Zaniah’s Kissing Kim | Zaniah’s J’adore | Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration

1.10.2021 WORLD DOG SHOW Brno

Judge Peter Berchtold
JCh Zaniah´s Juliet - Excellent in intermediate class
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

30.9.2021 Club show of Retrievers at the occation of WDS Olomouc

Judge: Eirin Bekkelien & Torunn Sorbye
JCh Zaniah´s Juliet - Excellent 3 in intermediate class
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Ch SK, CZ Zaniah’s In The Mood - Excellent 1, CAC, CC in champion class
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Potter's daughter Coffie Benison - BIS of honour classes
(Hotti - Totti Dan Cool Day x Anabel Benison)

29.9.2021 CACIB Brno

Judge: Alena Krutská
JCh Zaniah´s Juliet - Excellent 1, CAC in intermediate class
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Ch SK, CZ Zaniah’s In The Mood - Excellent 1, CAC in champion class
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Potter's daughter Coffie Benison - Excellent 2, res CAC in working class
(Hotti - Totti Dan Cool Day x Anabel Benison)

28.9.2021 Club show of Retrievers at the occation of WDS

Judge: Torunn Sorbye & V. Grundetjem
JCh Zaniah´s Juliet - Excellent 2, res CAC in intermediate class
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Ch SK, CZ Zaniah’s In The Mood - Excellent 2, res CAC in champion class<
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Potter's daughter Coffie Benison - Excellent 2, res CAC
(Hotti - Totti Dan Cool Day x Anabel Benison)

Thank you again very much to the owners of my breedings - Bady's mum Andrea Meskarova and Julet's and Kofola's mum Petra Bednarova.
We crossed our fingers from out home and I am over the moon from what you did in such a high competition.

Zaniah’s In The Mood | Zaniah’s Juliet | Coffie Benison

29.9.2021 3x CACIB Nitra

Judge: Kristína Vaníčková
MultiCh Hotti Totti Dan Cool Day - CAC, res CACIB
(Ch Hotti-Totti Be Be See x Ch Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest)

Zaniah’s J’ADORE - výborná 2 v triede mladých
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)

Zaniah’s I LOVE YOU - res CAC v triede šampiónov
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Majiteľka Zary: Timea Kissová

Our dogs Potter and Stela were shown only on Friday. Zarka and Timea did the whole weekend and got 2x resCAC. Congratulations!
I was happy to see you again at the show!

MultiCh Hotti Totti Dan Cool Day

21.9.2021 Hunting tests (OVVR) Kařez

Zaniah’s JULIET - 1st merit, Winner of the tests
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Congratulations Petra Bednářová!

4.9.2021 NDS Floracanis Olomouc

Zaniah’s In The Mood
(ICh Leonardo of Angels Head × ICh, MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1st, CAC in open class
Congratulations to his owner Andrejka Meskařová!


Judge: MVDr. Nosek
Ch CZ, Ch SK Zaniah's IN THE MOOD
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head × Ichive Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Exc.1, CAC, res.CACIB
Congrats to his owner Andrejka Meskařová.


Some more lovely results of offspring by our stud males:
Brilliant Birds You Light The Way - CAC, BOB, BIG 1
(Otec: Cool Boy You’re The Inspiration)
Brilliant Birds Milka Choco Jelly - CAC
Brilliant Birds I Feel Pretty - CAJC, Best Junior
(obaja otec: Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day)
Congrats to owner and breeder Fanni Kovács.


(Ich LEONARDO of Angel's Head x Ich GIVE ME FIVE You're the Inspiration)
Exc.1, CAC, CC
Congrats to his owner Andrejka Meskařová.

7.8.2021 CACIB PÁPA

Potter's daughter:
Brilliant Bird´s Milka Choco Jelly
Congrats to owner and breeder Fanni Kovács.


Amasha Zaniah’s Caniwergis
CAC, Specialty show winner

14.8.2021 CACIB BRNO

Jch Zaniah’s JULIET
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
CAC, res CACIB first time in an intermediate class
Congratulations Petra Bednářová!


Zaniah’s JULIET
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1, CAC, BOB junior
Julia is now fully qualified for Czech Junior Champion!

Potter's children did also very well:
Coffie Benison - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
(Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day x Anabell Benison)

Donut Pepsi Benison - Excellent 1, CAC
(Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day x Blueberry Benison)
Congratulation to the breeder & owner Petra Bednarova!

12.-13.7.2021 ARAD, ROMANIA

Zaniah’s I LOVE YOU
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
10.7.2021 - res.CAC
11.7.2021 - CAC, CACIB
Thanks to these results she became Romanian Champion and Grand Champion.
Congratulations to the owner we are very happy for your results of Zarka!

10.7.2021 CAC BÉKECSÁBA (HU)

Potter's chocolate son
Brilliant Birds Sweet November - CAC, BOB, BIG 3
Congratulations to the owner Fanni Kovács! Potter's children have not only outstanding health results, but they are also doing very well in the show rings!

9.7.2021 CACIB NITRA

Ch Zaniah’s In The Mood
(Leonardo of Angels Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1, CAC and with that he is now fully qualified for the title Slovak Champion.

Thank you to the owner Andrea Meskarova for presentation of Buddy! Baddy is now champion of Czech and Slovakia at the age of 2,5 years and he has alco certificate for Champion of work! He grew up into oustandingly clever and handsome male!

Zaniah’s In The Mood

Zaniah’s Kissing Kate
(Alaric Eden loci x April Old Nouvelle Route)
very promising 1, BOB puppy
Owner: Ivanka Horná
Luna had her premier in the show ring with a lovely result. Congratulations!

Zaniah’s Kissing Kate


Judge: Gerda Groeneweg (NL)
Zaniah’s JULIET
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1, CAJC in junior class out of 17 girls
Owner: Petra Bednářová

Zaniah’s JULIET

Zaniah’s Her Majesty
(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria)
Excellent /19 bitches in open class
Owner: Alida Štulajterová


Zaniah’s In The Mood
(Leonardo of Angels Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 2, res CAC / 3 in workign class
Owner: Andrea Meskařová

Zaniah’s In The Mood

Thank you for the lovely presentation of our breeding and congratulations!


Zaniah’s JULIET
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent in junior class out of 17 females
Owner: Petra Bednářová

Zaniah’s Her Majesty
(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria)
Excellent 2 /9 females in open class
Owner: Alida Štulajterová

CAC KLATOVY 3.7.2021

Zaniah’s JULIET
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1, CAJC

a dcéra nášho Pottera Coffie Benison - výborná 1, CAC
(JCh, Ch Hotti*Totti Dan Cool Day x CzWCh Anabell Benison"U")
Gratulujem majiteľke Petre Bednářovej!


JCh. Amasha Zaniah Caniwergis
CAC, specialty show winner 2021, BOB, BIS III

JCh. Amasha Zaniah Caniwergis

26.6.2021 CACIB BRNO

Zaniah’s Juliet
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
CAJC, BOJ junior
owner: Petra Bednářová

Ch CZ Zaniah’s In The Mood
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 3rd in champion class
owner: Andrea Meskařová

Congratulations to the owners!

Zaniah’s Juliet

5.6.2021 CACIB Brno

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD “Bady”
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
CAC, res. CACIB -> new Czech Champion
Congratulations to his owner Andrejka Meskařova.

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD “Bady”


Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD “Bady”
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Andrea Meskařová
Excellent 1st, CAC
Judge Zdenka Jílková

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD “Bady”

27.-28.9.2020 CLUB SHOWS KELČ

Zaniah’s Juliet
(Ich Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Petra Bednářová
27.9. Very promising 1st, BOB baby, BIS baby
28.9. Very promising 1st, BOB baby

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD “Bady”
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Andrea Meskařová
27.9. Excellent 3rd
28.9. Excellent 2nd, res. CAC

Congratulations to their owners! We are thrilled with the results.

Zaniah’s Juliet


Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD “Bady”
(Ich Leonardo of Angels Head x Ich Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Club Water trial for Retrievers - 1st merit
Club Autumn trial for Retrievers - 1st merit, CACT, CCT
#3 in absolute ranking among all participants!!!

Thank you very much Andrea Meskarova for your care, training and presentation. I am very proud of both of you! Bady is in the best hands!


Judge Sergio Scarpelini

Femme Fatale You’re The Inspiration
(Upwards Joyful Jale x Clam To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 2nd, res CAC v triede otvorenej

Candy’s Eyes You’re The Inspirationn
(Devonshire French Harmony x Stronglines Eye Candy)
Excellent 1st, BOB Veteran, BIS Veteran

Owner: Lucia Valentovičová
Congratulations and thank you for your care! Candy won the title BIS veteran at the age of 12 years!


Zaniah’s Juliet
(Wahnahnish Simply Sensational x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Petra Bednářová
12.9. - Very promising 1st, BOB baby, BIS baby
13.9. - Very promising 1st, BOB baby, BIS baby
We are over the moon from Julinka's and her premier in the show ring. Congratulations to the owner and thank you!


Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angels Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Andrea Meskařová
Excellent 1st, CAC
Judge: Grzegorz Weron

The day after he successfuly passed Autumn trial in Vysoká n/L.
Thank you for presentation.

20.-23.8.2020 SZILVÁSZVÁRAD (HU)

Zaniah's I LOVE YOU
(Leonardo of Angels Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Timea Kiššová

20.8.2020 - CAC, Res.CACIB
Judge: Vilmos Kardos

21.8.2020 - CAC, CACIB, BOS, Crufts kvalifikácia 2021
Judge: Linda Volarikova

22.8.2020 - CAC, CACIB
Judge: Judit Beke

23.8.2020 Retriever & Waterdog Summer Trophy CAC Clubshow
Excellent 1/6
Judge: Francesco Cochetti

Zarka became Hungarian Show Champion!
Congratulations to the owner and thank you!


Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angels Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Owner: Andrea Meskařová
Excellent 1st, CAC
Judge: Malíková Lenka
Congratulations to the owner and thank you!


During the time Doris was enjoying her motherhood, Clubs in the Czech Republic (KCHLS and RK CZ) announced results of The Most successful Retriever in 2019. Doris has absolutely outstanding results in 2019 and therefor she was #1 Labrador Retriever bitch in both clubs. Also her points from shows were the highest our of all Labs. We are thrilled and very proud of our princess!

C.I.B., C.I.E., MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration
Mountfield Cup KCHLS - TOP show bitch Labrador Retriever 2019
Retriever of the year RK CZ - TOP Labrador 2019 - The most successful bitch

24.4.2020 DORIS'S PUPS

Litter "J" by Dorys and Harvey way born 24th April 2020. Their puppies live now happily in Slovakia and Czech Republic as a true family members. Closer info abut the litter at OUR LITTERS site.
We enjoyed the litter very much. Puppies were leaving us fully socialised with basic hygiene habits and daily schedule. They were bred in our home as members of our family. We wish them happy life and thank you to their owners for your trust!

2.2.2020 CACIB BRNO

Judge: Emma Archibald (IE) - 88 labradors
King of Zaniah Sitkowski Bór “Sully"
(Bravo Messi x Glamour Sitkowski Bór)
Very promising 1st in baby class

King of Zaniah Sitkowski Bór “Sully"

MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG IV in champion class

MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration

Very nice results of dogs bred by us:
Zaniah’s Her Majesty Excellent both days
Zaniah’s In The Mood v sobotu Excellent 4th in junior class

Results of dogs sired by our boys:
Dancing Queen Amazing Frace (father : Goldfinger You’re The Inspiration)
- on Sunday Excellent 1st, CAC in working class

Dancing Queen Amazing Frace

offspring sired by Hotti - Totti Dan Cool Day:
Texas Ranger Sarblet - excellent 2nd, res CAC in open class
Dino Benison - very promising 1st & very promising 2nd
Ashford Castle Languette - excellent & excellent 2nd, res CAC in open class
Coffie Benison - excellent 2nd, res CAC & excellent 2nd, res CAC in working class
Thank you so much to all owners and my friends for beautiful day and support!


May Your Christmas and new year 2020 be filled with Love, Joy and Peace!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020!

27.10.2019 - Bratislava Danube CACIB

judge: Hana Ahrens
Zaniah's I LOVE YOU
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angel’s Head x MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Exc. 1st, CAJC, Cruft's kvalifikácia 2020 in junior class and became Slovak Junior Champion.
owner: Timea Kiššová
We are very happy and congratulations to her owner!

12.10.2019 CACIB České Budějovice

judge: Ing Jarmila Jindřichovská
Zaniah's In The Mood "Bady"
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angel’s Head x MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Exc. 1st, CAJC, BOS in junior class
owner: Andrea Meskařova
Bady finally broke the spell of the second place. We are very happy!

5.10.2019 Club show KCHLS Praha

judge: Mrs. Elena Vasilyeva (RUS)
Zaniah's In The Mood "Bady"
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angel’s Head x MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Exc. 2 in junior class
owner: Andrea Meskařova

Zaniah's Her Majesty "Destiny"
(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
Exc. 1, CAC in open class
owner: Alida Štulajterova
Congratulations to the owners!

4.10.2019 CACIB Komárom (HU)

judge: Lois Wilson
Jch, MultiCh Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day
CAC and became Champion of Hungary.

Jch, MultiCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration

28.9.2019 IHA Tulln

54 labradors entered
Judge: Mary O’Donoghue (kennel Philipstown)

Line up - BOB, CACIB male Loch Mor Malcolm, BOS, CACIB female Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration, BOB junior male Loch Mor Broderick, BOB Veteran Philipstown Blue Bunting.

Jch, MultiCh Give Me Five You're The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You're The Inspiration)
“Powerful build bitch, excellent in front, lovely expression, topline and tail set super, stifle very good, excellent shows and moves”

Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day
(Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
“Excellent working dog in best of coat, lovely head, expression, beautiful placed ears, lovely sound strong neck, excellent angulations, lovely turn of stiffle, sound topline and tail set, shown in very best condition, handed and moves with style”

Zaniah's I LOVE YOU
(Leonardo of Angel's Head x Give Me Five You're The Inspiration)
excellent 2nd out of 8 bitches

Doriska fulfilled the conditions for title Interchampion and 3x CACIB out of the four she needed for this title won under breed specialists John Thirwell, Moray Armstrong and Mary O’Donoghue - all 3 judges from the country of origin of our breed! This title means a lot to me - thanks to judges! Im very proud of my blonde girl!
Thank you so much for great company Timea and Dodo, Zara showed well in junior class! My black treasure Potter got wonderful judgement and CACA title! Finally, in such a great competition our results were a great success!
It was indeed one of the most beautiful dog shows for last years.

21.9.2019 CACIB Bačka Topola & 22.9.2019 CAC Turija

Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration
CAC, res CACIB & CAC, BOB, BIG II and became Champion of Serbia .

Zaniah’s I Love You
2x excellent 1st, PRM
owner: Timea Kiššová

Thank you so much Timea and Dodo for amazing weekend and congratulation!

14.9.2019 Club show Kamenný Mlyn (SK)

judge: Linda Major (UK - kennel Linjor)

Zaniah's I LOVE YOU
(Leonardo of Angel's Head x Give Me Five You're The Inspiration)
Exc. 1st, CAJC in junior class

Zaniah's Heart of Gold
(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria)
Exc. 1st, CAC in open class

Jch, MultiCh Give Me Five You're The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You're The Inspiration)
Exc. 2nd, res CAC in champion class

Jch, Ch Oxana Ex Duria
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You're The Inspiration)
Exc. 1 in veteran class

CCR judge: Erling Pedersen
MultiCh Double Bubble You're The Inspiration
(Caballus Yackety Yak x Bubble Gum You're The Inspiration)
Exc. 1st, BOB Veteran, BOB !!! in veteran class

Thank you soooo much all my friends for beautiful day!

13.7.2019 IHA Oberwart

Judge: Zoltán Kiss (kennel Midnight Sun)
Zaniah’s I LOVE YOU - excellent 1st Jugendbester, Crufts qualification 2020
(Leonardo of Angels Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Zara became candidate for title Juniorchampion of Austria!

7.7.2019 CACIB Veľká Ida

Zaniah’s I LOVE YOU - CAJC, BOB junior
(Leonardo of Angels Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Zara became candidate for title Juniorchampion of Austria.
owner: Timea Kiššová

Thank you so much Timea for very nice presentation! I’m very proud of both of you.

5.7.2019 Club show Kelč (CZ)

judge: Karl-Erik Johansson
Zaniah's In The Mood - very good 3 /4 in junior class
(Leonardo of Angel’s Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Labrador retriever Zaniah's In The Mood

Zaniah's I Love You - excellent 2nd/4 in junior class
(Leonardo of Angel’s Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Labrador retriever Zaniah's I Love You

Zaniah's Her Majesty - excellent 1st, CAC/12 in open class
(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria)
Labrador retriever Zaniah's Her Majesty

Zaniah's Heart of Gold - excellent 2nd, res CAC/12 in open class
(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria)
Labrador retriever Zaniah's Heart of Gold

Jch,Ch SK,HU,Grd Give Me Five You're The Inspiration - excellent 2nd, res CAC/6 in champion class
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition Five You’re The Inspiration)
Labrador retriever Give Me Five You're The Inspiration

Jch, Ch SK,CRO Oxana Ex Duria - excellent 1st, BOB Veteran/2 in veteran class (Caramel Cream You’re The Inspiration x Helena Ex Duria)
Labrador retriever Oxana Ex Duria

Kennel Zaniah’s - 3rd BEST BREEDERS GROUP

We were really looking forward to this show, as we plan one show every year as a meeting with my four-legged children in the Czech Republic. We choose this club show organized by Soňa Sehnalikova - who wants to see well-organized show with beautiful prices her shows are something you have to visit. The weather was more than suitable for dogs - although we were surprised by the cold :-)

Labrador retriever kennel Zaniah's
Alida Štulajterová with Desty,me with Doris and Ellis, Anka Mozoláni with Oxana, Timea Kiššová with Zara and Andrea Meskařová with Bady.

Thanks to these ladies - my dog family - I’m grateful for the company in which I spend shows and dog events. Of course, we are not complete team here, but in such great company we were at club show in Kelč. Thanks to you girls I enjoyed show and walk together incredibly. I’m very happy that my offsprings have owners like you!

Regional club show Kelč 30.4.2019

judge: Ewa Nielsen (SWE)
Only 2 days after very successful club show in Slovakia was regional club show in Czech Republic where Bady from our last litter won puppy class and also best puppy of breed title. Thank you Bady’s owner and my friend Andrejka Meskařova for a great presentation and congratulation. You make me very happy!

Zaniah’s IN THE MOOD
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angels Head x Jch,Ch Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
very promising 1, BOB puppy

28.4.2019 Club show Kamenný Mlyn

judge: Eeva Rautala (Finland) - 89 labradors

Zaniah’s I LOVE YOU
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angel’s Head x Jch,Ch Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
very promising 1st, BOB puppy out of 5 females in her class

(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
excellent in open class - out of 10 females

Jch,Ch, GrdCh GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration
(Ch Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
excellent 1st, CAC in champion class out of 4

Jch,Ch SK,Cro Oxana Ex Duria
(MultiCh Caramel Cream You’re The Inspiration x Ch Helena Ex Duria)
excellent 1st out of 5 in class, BOB Veteran, BIS Veteran!!!

We entered club show in Kamenny Mlyn for the first time. In my personal opinion, Eeva Rautala as a judge is a real breed specialist and I’m even more pleased that our girls - Zara, Doris and Oxana have won all in their classes 1st places and this is more than I could wish. In very strong puppy class in beautiful competition Zara became BOB puppy and Oxana in veteran class among bitches who are champions and club winners from last years - won BOB Veteran. Doris was very close to title Club winner as judge said to us. But Doris decided to enjoy the Sunday by her wishes and her presentation wasn’t the best :-) We agree that champion have to stand and move like champion and not running like a horse :-) Doris is not easy show dog but I love her the most. Ellis was a little “lost” in open class for the first time and she was probably too young for this class but she received a beautiful judgement. I really appreciate the words from the judge. Our breeding is very small and this is for me great success. We spend this show in the best company and this is very important for me most of all, so thank you so much Anka and Andrej, Dodo, Marek, Evka a Darina for a perfect day!

My four beauties:
Zaniah’s I LOVE YOU, Zaniah’s HEART OF GOLD, GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration, Oxana Ex Duria

16.3.2019 Specialty show for chihuahua and papillon

This show was very first experience for my 4 years old daughter Ela in show ring with lovely papillon Topsy (Top Secret Nueva Sorpresa). They were great team together in competition “Child and dog”.

9.3.2019 CACIB Graz (Rakúsko)

Judge: Linda Voláriková
After a long time we entered the show in Austria and this year it wasn’t definitely the last one. I personally like Austriandog shows a lot. I really enjoy this show a lot, thanks a lot my friends for lovely meetings and nice atmosphere here.
Our dogs had very successful day in show ring so we started with Potter and Doris champion title already in 4th country. Ellis in very strong intermediate class placed as 2nd with res CACA.
I’m very happy and proud of our team once again!

Jch,Ch SK, CZ Hotti-Totti DAN COOL DAY
(Jch,Ch Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Ch Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
excellent 1st, CACA, CACIB in working class and became candidate for Champion Austria,

Jch,Ch SK, Grd Ch. Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration
(Jch,Ch Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1st, CACA, res. CACIB in working class and became candidate for Champion Austria.

Zaniah’s Heart of Gold
(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
excellent 2nd, res CACA in intermediate class

24.2.2019 CAC Bratislava

Amasha Zaniah Caniwergis
(Darling Winnerio Canis of Czech x Zuza Elimar Doubrava)
excellent 1st, CAJC, Slovakia junior winner 2019, BOB junior in junior class
judge: Eva Felszéghyová

Zaniah’s I Love You
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angel’s Head x Jch,Ch,GCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Very promising 2nd /span>in puppy class
judge: V. Vítková

Jch,Ch SK, Grd Ch. Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration
(Jch,Ch Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
excellent 2nd, res. CAC in champion class

23.2.2019 Victory Winner Champion of champions Slovakia 2019

Jch,Ch SK Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration
(Jch,Ch Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
Excellent 1st, CAC & VICTORY WINNER 2019 !!!!

and her 5 months old daughter Zaniah’s I Love You
(MultiCh Leonardo of Angel’s Head x Jch,Ch,GCh Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
Very promising 1st & VICTORY PUPPY WINNER 2019 !!!


This year I decided to make a trip to Budapest and connect it with FeHoVa dog show. We decided to spend only the first 2 days at the show. We traveled to Budapest on Wednesday, found great accommodation in the very center near metro station, so we enjoyed a perfect sightseeing weekend. We took Potter and Doris and these two were great companions in town.

Potter in working class out of 5:
Jch,Ch SK, CZ Hotti-Totti DAN COOL DAY
(Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
7.2. excellent 3rd - judge: Mr Doval
8.2. excellent 3rd - judge: Mr Delicado

and Doris in working class:
Jch,Ch GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
7.2. excellent 1st, CAC - judge: Mr Doval
8.2. excellent 1st, CAC - judge: Mr Delicado

2.-3.2.2019 DUO CACIB BRNO

2.2. judge Mrs. Bogucka (PL) and 3.2. judge Mrs. Voláriková (SK)
in puppy class was entered Bady:
Zaniah´s IN THE MOOD
(Leonardo od Angel´s Head x Give Me Five You´re The Inspiration)
Very promising 1st both days
Owner: Andrea Meskařová

Potter was entered only 1 day:
Jch,Ch SK, CZ Hotti-Totti DAN COOL DAY
(Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
excellent 1st & CAC and became CZECH CHAMPION.
video: HERE

sisters Destiny and Ellis in intermediate class out of 12 females:
(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria)
excellent 2nd, res CAC
owner: Alida Štulajterová

(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria)
excellent & excellent 4th
owner: Anka Mozoláni

and in champion class Doris out of 5 and 4 females:
Jch,Ch GIVE ME FIVE You´re The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You´re The Inspiration)
excellent 3rd & excellent 2nd, res CAC

Thanks a lot for lovely weekend to all my friends and owners of my puppies!

25.1.-27.1.2019 3x CACIB Nitra

These shows were big experience for our big hope Zara (Zaniah’s I Love You) from our last litter. She won all 3 days her class and became Puppy Champion and she is also first puppy champion bred by me. I entered also Doris only on Friday. 4 months after litter she won champion class. She is not in full coat after puppies but in very nice condition.

Jch,Ch Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
25.1.2019 champion class - excellent 1st, CAC - judge: Tesics Gyorgy

Zaniah’s I Love You
(Leonardo of Angel’s Head x Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration)
27.1.2019 puppy class - very promising 1st - judge: Peter Berchtold
26.1.2019 puppy class - very promising 1st - judge: Jana Janek
25.1.2019 puppy class - very promising 1st - judge: Tesics George
owner: Timea Kiššová

I also showed 2 lovely boys sired by my Potter (Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day) and female bred by us Ziwe (Euphoria You’re The Inspiration) with great results:

Criss Old Nouvelle Route
(Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day x Euphoria You’re The Inspiration)
26.1.2019 intermediate class - excellent 1st, CAC - judge: Tesics Gyorgy
owner: Monika Brisudová

Corbian Old Nouvelle Route
(Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day x Euphoria You’re The Inspiration)
25.1.2019 intermediate class - excellent 2nd, res. CAC
owner: Aja Wlachovská

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019!

May your Christmas be decorated with cheer and filled with love.
Have a wonderful holiday!

CACIB Nitra 9.12.2018

Jch, Ch Cro, SK Oxana Ex Duria - excellent 1st in veteran class
(MultiCh Caramel Cream You´re The Inspiration x Ch Helena Ex Duria)

Dachshund longhair
Amasha Zaniahs Caniwergi´s - excellent 1st, CAJC, BOB junior

Jch, Ch Strongline's EYE CANDY

13.4.2006 - 9.11.2018
The saddest moment is when The one who gave you The best memories became memory...
Rest In Peace Candy, you will always live in every puppy bred by us. One day we will meet again...

27.10.2018 MKSZ Derby show

Son of my Kubo (COOL BOY You’re The Inspiration):
Brilliant Bird’s You Light The Way
Excellent 1, HPJ, Derby winner 2018, BOB, BOG, BEST IN SHOW 3!

BIG congratulation to his owner Fanni Kovács!!!

He is 2nd puppy sired by my Kubo who won title BEST IN SHOW from 2 different mothers!

14. 10. 2018 Club Autmn Trial Letničie (SRK)

Face To Face You’re The Inspiration - I. prize, CACT, Trial winner
(Upwards Joyful Jalle x Claim To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
Big congratulation to his owner Peter Príslupský!

Kubko's 10th B-day!

Cool Boy You're The Inspiration
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to the one I love! So noble, intelligent and kind companion for 10 years - I enjoy every day of life with you by my side!
Happy Birthday also to his siblings from C litter!

Doris became mother of my I litter!

26.9.2018 my dream litter from combination Doris (Jch,Ch Give Me Five You're The Inspiration) and Leonardo (Jch,MultiCh Leonardo of Angel's Head) was born!

8.-9.9.2018 Duo club shows - Retriever club RKCZ Brno-Žebětín

Zaniah’s HER MAJESTY - excellent (out of 10 females in junior class)
(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch, Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
judge: C. Reynolds (UK)
owner:: Alida Štulajterová

DANCING MASTER You’re The Inspiration
(MultiCh Caballus Yackety Yak x MultiCh Bubble Gum You’re The Inspiration)
8.9.2018 excellent 1st, BOB veteran - judge Mr. Luis Peixoto
9.9.2018 excellent 1st, BOB veteran - judge: Mrs. Tina Peixoto
owner: Veronika Pecharová

Another great news from owners of dogs bred by us and dogs sired by my Potter.

Slovak championship - Water rescue 1-2.9.2018 Námestovo
CRISS Old Nouvelle Route - RH-W E - 1st place!Winner of Slovak championship 2018!
(Euphoria You’re The Inspiration x Jch, Ch Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day)
owner: Monika Brisudová
2nd place his brother CORBIAN Old Nouvelle Route!!!!
(Euphoria You’re The Inspiration x Jch, Ch Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day)

category RH-W B
Euphoria You’re The Inspiration - 3rd place
(AmCh Tabatha’s Burly x Jch, Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)

Congratulation girls!!!! Labradors bred by us, sired by our stud dogs or offspring from females bred by us have had the best results at rescue trials in Slovakia last year. Im very proud of all of them!

30.8.2018 Pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound!!!

We are so excited for this upcoming litter, a real precious combination, for the special pedigree, for the beauty and the soundness of both parents.
Thank you SO MUCH Nicole and Thierry Onkelinx for all your help,
Litter announcement made as always by my friend Saudi Walter - thank you!

30.8.2018 Offsprings by my STUD DOGS

19.8.2018 CACIB Innsbruck
(Ashford Castle Baiser x Hotti Totti Dan Cool Day)

We received the best news about health results of Potter’s offsprings (Hotti Totti Dan Cool Day). Mother of this litter is bitch bred by us Ziwa (Euphoria You’re The Inspiration):
Clark Old Nouvelle Route - HD 0/0, ED 0/0
Coudy Old Nouvelle Route - HD 0/0, ED 0/0
What a great producer he is with all healthy puppies with clear score for hips and elbows dysplasia! Congratulation to breeder Petra Žarska!

21.7.2018 CACIB Debrecen
Son of my beloved Kubo (Cool Boy You’re The Inspiration) made me proud once again with his new champion title:
Brilliant Bird’s You Light The Way ‘Colin’ - HPJ, Junior winner!
And became Junior champion of Hungary! Congratulation Fanni Kovacs!

Breeder and owner Fanni Kovács with son and daughter of my Kubo (Cool Boy You’re The Inspiration) - Collin a Chloe.

7.-8.7.2018 CACIB Veľká Ida
(Euphoria You’re The Inspiration x Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day)
Congratulations to Petra Žárská!

Hotti Hacker Believe Me - very promising 1 and became Slovak puppy champion
(Able To Love Believe Me x Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day)
Congratulations to Peter Schmidt!

Club's hunting tests (CZ)
Cara Mia Benison - 1st merit, res CACT
(CzWCh Anabell Benison x JCH CH Hotti*Totti Dan Cool Day)
Congratulations to Štěpánka Stříbrná!

Trainning for Slovakia water rescue Championship.
All yellow and black labradors in the picture are from our doggy family. All three blacks are from litter sired by my Potter (Hotti Totti Dan Cool Day) and yellow bitch on surf Ziwa who is bred by us (Euphoria You’re The Inspiration). Two yellows on landing stage are her son and daughter from first litter sired by Zachary Gorska Fantazja. Fingers crossed to this dream team!

26.-27.5.2018 International Working Testy Molinella (Bologna, Italy)
Slovakia national team with 3 members - black labradors. We are extremly proud that one of these represents of Slovakia and only one show Labrador from this team is dog bred by us - Finn (Face To Face You’re The Inspiration) with his owner Peter Prislupsky! They finished on 29. place from 36teams from Europe! More about Finn you can find at Our males section.
Complete results and photos from IWT you can find on Facebook.

Peter Príslupský a Face To Face You’re The Inspiration, Tibor Pittich a Trompeterbakkens Teddy, Zuzana Veselovská a Isaszegi-Merész Vadász Alíz

3x CACIB NITRA 8.-10.6.2018

Jch, Ch GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
9.6.2018 - excellent 2nd, res CAC out of 5 bitches in champion class under judge M. Swieton (PL)
10.6.2018 - excellent 2nd, res CAC out of 5 bitches in champion class under judge Di Carlo Riccardo (IT)

Zaniah’s Heart of Gold
(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
8.6.2018 - excellent 2nd out of 4 bitches under judge Ľ. Fintorová (SK)
9.6.2018 - excellent 3rd out of 6 bitches under judge M. Swieton (PL)
10.6.2018 - excellent 4th out of 8 bitches under judge Di Carlo Riccardo (IT)

26.5. Retriever speciality Chlumec nad Cidlinou (CZ)

judge: M. Brown (UK)
(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
excellent 4th out of 15 bitches in junior class
owner: Alida Štulajterová

EXTRAVAGANZZA You’re The Inspiration
(AmCh Tabatha’s Burly x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
Excellent 1st, CAC, CC out of 7 bitches in working class
owner: Michal Červinka

Very nice results of puppies sired by my Kubo (Cool Boy You’re The Inspiration)
Fierce Freya Caniwergi’s
(Cool Boy You’re The Inspiration x Catty Catleya Caniwergi’s)
Excellent 3rd out of 9 in intermediate class
Duches Daiquiri Caniwergi’s
(Cool Boy You’re The Inspiration x A’Destined to Victory Caniwergi’s)
excellent 2nd, res CAC out of 10 in open class
breeder: Lucie Pajerovává

Congratulation to all owners and thank you sooo much for lovely presentation of my breeding and puppies sired by my dogs.

New health results

We x-rayed our 2 treasures from our last litter “H” with the best results:
Zaniah’s HEART OF GOLD - HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free
Zaniah’s HER MAJESTY - HD A, ED 0/0, OCD free

Some of our dogs are also actual eyes test from 15th of May 2018 checked by MVDr Faga:
Jch,Ch Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day - negative
Jch,Ch Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration - negative
Zaniah’s Heart of Gold - negative
Couldn’t be more proud and happy! Thank you so much to both owner of my “H” puppies for such a great care! This is the most important part in breeding for me!

13.5.2018 CACIB Lučenec (SK)

judge: D.Bartošová (SK)
Very nice results for two dogs from open class - Toby (Goldfinger You’re The Inspiration) and for Doníka (Dangerous Dario Caniwergi’s) sired by my Kubo:
GOLDFINGER You’re The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
excellent 2nd, res CAC and with this last ticket he became CHAMPION SLOVAKIA!

(COOL BOY You’re The Inspiration x Ich A’DESTINED TO VICTORY Caniwergi’s)
excellent 1st, CAC and this is also his last ticket for title CHAMPION SLOVAKIA!
Personal webpage of this lovely boy you can find at

12.-13.5.2018 Retrievers Club and Specialty show KCHLS Humpolec (CZ)

Judges: 1st day Anna Bogucka (PL) and 2nd day: Tiina Illuka (FIN)
(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria) in junior class:
1st day: Exc.1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner 2018 out of 16 bitches!!!
2nd day: Exc. 1, CAJC out of 14 bitches!!!

(Carpenny Made a Million x Oxana Ex Duria) in junior class:
1st day: Exc.
2nd day: Exc.2 out of 14 bitches

Jch, Ch GIVE ME FIVE You're The InspirationY
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration) in working class:
1st day: Exc.1, CAC out of 5 bitches
2nd day: very good 3 out of 4 bitches

Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria
(Caramel Cream You’re The Inspiration x Helena Ex Duria) in champion class in age of 7,5 years:
1st day: Exc.1, CAC out of 3 bitches
2nd day: Exc.2, res CAC out of 3 bitches

We spent a wonderful show weekend with friends! Weather as per order, perfect accommodation, great atmosphere and finally the opportunity to meet with friends from Czech republic and spend a nice weekend together. And results of our girls, especially on Saturday, making a beautiful memory from the shows. I was over the moon how great weekend had especially Ellis, who won junior class in both days with so much competition, her sister Destiny as an excellent 2 on 2nd day. Doris won working class on Saturday,I was sooo happy coz I did not expect anything because Doris loosing her coat a lot. And so my expectations were fulfilled on Sunday when judge gave her a "very good” just for coat. Even though I was waiting for it, it always fades me when the judge penalizes something that we can not influence in a dog and it is natural and on the other hand he does not mind other dogs mistakes that are not just the question of the season ... But it is dog show. Oxana both days in the retirement age starred in the champion class. We enjoy these shows and thank you Anka Mozolani for a beautiful weekend!

Zaniah’s Her Majesty, Zaniah’s Heart of Gold, Jch,Ch Oxana Ex Duria, Jch,Ch Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration

Weekend of club shows

28.4.2018 Specialty labrador show Táta, Hungary
judge: Galina Motor (RUS)
Jch, Ch GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration
(Ch Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
excellent 3rd in very strong working class

Siblings from our F litter FALLING IN LOVE and FARAWAY TEAL You’re The Inspiration were entered in open class and both of them got excellent without placement. Both are owned by Timea Teichtmann (Welloway kennel).

This was not our best show day, but we had a nice day with friends.

29.4.2018 Club show Kamenný mlyn (SK)
judge: Jan-Erik Ek (SWE - kennel Thornbreakers)
FEMME FATALE You’re The Inspiration
(Upwards Joyful Jalle x Claim To Fame You’re The Inspiration)
2nd excellent, res CAC in open class out of 10 females
CANDY’S EYES You’re The Inspiration
(Devonshires French Harmony x Jch,Ch Strongline’s Eye Candy)
2nd excellent in veteran class
Congratulation to owner Lucia Valentovičová!

20.4.2018 New family member

Welcome a new member of our family - miniature dachshund Masha! We have brought her from our friend Lucie Pajerová from Czech Republic. So we believe that Masha will be happy with us and maybe we will try some shows and the exams ...

Welcome home AMASHA ZANIAH Caniwergi's

7.4.2018 CACIB Nitra (K.Opara PL)

Jch,Ch Give Me Five You’re The Inspiration - excellent 1st, CAC in champion class
Zaniah’s Heart of Gold - excellent in junior class
Doris became candidate for title Grand Champion Slovakia!

17-18.3.2018 DUO CACIB Pécs (Hungary)

JCh, Ch. GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration
(Jch,Ch Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
1st day - CAC, CACIB, BOB, judge Moray Amstrong (UK)
2nd day - CAC, CACIB, BOS, judge John Thirwell (UK)

Hotti-Totti DAN COOL DAY
(Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
1st day- CAC, judge Moray Amstrong (UK)
2nd day - CAC, judge John Thirwell (UK)

When I saw the judges for DUO CACIB Pecs it was really happy. For me personally, Moray Amstrong is TOP judge for gundogs group from the UK. I had the opportunity to show my dogs under him a couple of times, and he was always very professional, pleasant and the emphasis on perfect movement, which is absolutely my cup of coffee. That's why I really appreciate his BOB for my Doris. Both judges are well-known from the Crufts as a judges of the gundogs group, for me two specialists and I’m so proud of their critiques for Doris and Potter. Both became candidates for Hungarian show champions. Thank you for company and congratulations also to my friends Michal Červinka with CCR ANAKIN Skywalker Caladans 2xBOB (son of bitch bred by us - DANCING QUEEN You are the Inspiration) and Dana Kulhavá with Pumis for great success, it was an unforgettable trip.

11.-12.2.2018 DUO CACIB Nitra

We started the first show weekend in 2018 in the best way. Doriska won her last title to became champion of the beauty of Slovakia. She is 12th champion of beauty bred at home from 8 litters bred by us. We are so happy and proud of her!

Saturday - Jana Janek (SK)
Sunday - Viera Vítková (SK)

Jch GIVE ME FIVE You’re The Inspiration
(Jch,Ch Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You’re The Inspiration)
CAC & CAC, CACIB, BOS in open class
Doris is now fully qualified for the title Slovak Champion.

(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch, Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
Excellent 2nd & Excellent 2nd in junior class

Jch, Ch Oxana Ex Duria
(MultiCh Caramel Cream You’re The Inspiration x Ch Helena Ex Duria)
Oxana was shown only on Sunday - Excellent 2nd, res CAC in champion class in age of 7,5 years!

Video of BOB competition - Me with Doris and Lucka Pajerová with her Kuba.
After the weekend spent together we also competed together for BOB:

9.-10.12.2017 DUO CACIB Nitra

Judges: Viera Vítková (SK) & M. Václavík (CZ)

GIVE ME FIVE You're The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You're The Inspiration)
1st day: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
2nd day: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch, Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
2nd day very promising 1st

18.11.2017 Club Autumn trial for retrievers (CZ)

GIVE ME FIVE You're The Inspiration "Doris"
18.11.2017 - Club Autumn trial for retrievers (CZ) - II merit
12.11.2017 BH (Traffic steady companion dog test)

And that qualifies her to receive an international working certificate!
I'm very proud of this beauty.

16.-17.9.2017 DUO CACIB Nitra

GIVE ME FIVE You're The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You're The Inspiration)
17.9.: CAC, res CACIB , judge Rafael De Santiago (PR)
16.9.: res. CAC, judge Viviane De Cuyper-Boesmans (BE)

(ShCh Carpenny Made a Million x Jch, Ch Oxana Ex Duria)
17.9.: veľmi nádejná 2 , judge Rafael De Santiago (PR)
16.9.: veľmi nádejná 1, judge Viviane De Cuyper-Boesmans (BE)

Hotti-Totti DAN COOL DAY
(Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
17.9.: výborný 1, CAC , judge Rafael De Santiago (PR)
16.9.: výborný 1, CAC, judge Viviane De Cuyper-Boesmans (BE)

(MultiCh Caramel Cream You're The Inspiration x Ch Helena Ex Duria)
16.9.: Excellent 1, CAC, judge Viviane De Cuyper-Boesmans (BE)
Oxana was shown only on Sunday, although she is four months after puppies and in age of 7 years, she won champion class among 7 bitches.
Many thanks to my friend for the amazing weekend.

27.8.2017 New rescue trial

Jch, Ch Hotti-Totti Dan Cool Day
(Hotti-Totti Nob Bigest x Hotti-Totti Be Be See)
RH-W E with 155 points - 5th place
Video HERE.

Potter is 2.5 years old and this is his 5th working trial or test of his abilities. I know that this is not too much, but I believe it is just the beginning of his career. On Monday I did not believe he would be able to start on that trial, he did not stand on a boat and surf before, I did not train him for a long-distance swimming without dummy. Last year, when we started training for the first trial, my friend and helper Petra still told me that she has lot of experiences with labradors, but Potter is in her opinion absolutly universal dog for everything with typical will to please, and we can train him for anything in a very short time.
We've been talking about rescue trial year ago, that we're going to try something to different with him, not just a hunting tests, but something to show that he is very "easy to train" dog .Potter after 5! days of the camp today as one of the half of the starting dogs passed the test and ended in 5th place.
I love this temperament of working dog, and I’m more than delighted that his kids are same in everything! I think better dog I could not even wish For working. Next years we will definitely concentrate on work and trials.
Thank you again Petra Podušelová